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The Smokehouse

Etta Foushee

00:00 / 01:15


Jose Alvarez, Cali Powell, Walt Wolfram

Date of Interview:

August 15, 2019


"And we had a smokehouse, too...we had like an old fashioned smokehouse, and once you slaughtered the hog, you would take the meat from the hog, and you would salt it down, and put it into the smokehouse. And you had lots of salt, and you would salt the meat down, and if you wanted fresh country ham, you go in there and slice it off, you had the side meat which is called the middlin for your bacon, that was there, that was kept in the smokehouse. And then also in the same smokehouse all the things that you had actually canned, like your vegetables and things that you put up, you keep them there but you had to make sure, in the dead of the winter, to keep those covered, because you didn’t them to freeze, and if they would freeze you would lose all that you had. My father would also take the cabbage, and we would chop it up and make sauerkraut"

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